News / Press / Media

Bev Mattocks is always keen to raise awareness of the fact that boys get eating disorders. The media can contact Bev by email here.

News, press & media

Read a transcript of Bev's talk at the Scottish Eating Disorder Interest Group (SEDIG) Carers' Conference 2016. More...

Bev Mattocks did a talk at the Scottish Eating Disorder Interest Group (SEDIG) Carers' Conference 2016. The title of her talk was "Eating disorders aren't just a 'girl thing'". More...

Read an interview with Bev Mattocks on Radio Aire, 24 February 2015. More...

Read a transcript of Bev's talk at the National Carers' Conference on Eating Disorders, 22 November 2015. More...

Read an interview with Bev Mattocks in the Daily Mirror, 13 November 2013. More...

See Bev Mattocks on BBC's 'Inside Out', 23 September 2013. More...

See Bev Mattocks on the Lorraine Kelly show on ITV, 17 April 2012. More...

Download a PDF of the slideshow of a talk I did for staff at a local school. Download...

"I'm always keen to appear on TV, on the radio or in the press to raise awareness of eating disorders in boys. I also do eating disorders talks for parents and schools."